Banding in India
Laparoscopic Banding in India
is an FDA approved minimally invasive bariatric surgery to treat the patients
who are obese. Bariatric surgery is for those obese patients who are unable
reduce their weight without non-surgical methods of weight-loss.
Laparoscopic Banding Surgery in India
is a procedure where a lap band applies around the stomach near its upper end,
to create a small pouch and narrow passage into the remainder of the stomach,
so that the doctor is able to regulate the rate of weight loss according to the
patients' requirements and the best part of the Laparoscopic Banding in
India is that it is reversible and adjustable procedure.
The other important characteristic of the Laparoscopic
Banding Surgery in India is that it is a minimally invasive procedure and
requires a shorter stay at the hospital; quick recovery from after the surgery
results in lesser scars and marks, and lesser pain as compared to other
bariatric surgery procedures.
The Laparoscopic Banding Surgery in India
helps patient to achieve a long –lasting weight loss by:
Reducing the appetite of the patient.
Limiting the amount of food intake
• Slow
down the digestion process
Laparoscopic Banding Surgery in India
applies for the people with the following conditions:
• If
your Body Mass Index (BMI) is above 40 or you are overweight by 100 pounds.
• If
your age is between 18 to 55 years and you have tried all the other methods to
reduce the weight but not successful.
• If
you have been overweight for more than 5 years.
• If
you seriously want to reduce your weight by changing your food habits and
• If
you do not consume much alcohol.
The major disadvantage of the Laparoscopic
Banding Surgery in India is that it requires the regular visit to the
doctor, as patient loose the weight the band becomes loose and in order to
tight the band patient need to visit the doctor regularly. Many people also
report of slipping of the band from its original position. As the other
bariatric surgery procedures, Laparoscopic Banding in India is not
resulting for the long term.
Many people prefer the gastric sleeve procedure
instead of Laparoscopic Banding Surgery in India because of various
advantages of gastric sleeve offers overlap-band surgery.
With Laparoscopic Banding Surgery in India,
the patient can lose nearly 50% of excess weight within the first year of the
surgery. The reduction of weight varies from individual to individual as weight
loss is dependent on a combination of factors including the starting weight,
the diet after surgery, and the amount of exercise the patient does etc.
Laparoscopic Banding Surgery in India
is a cost effective surgery with the high-quality treatment same as in other
developing countries. The cost of the Laparoscopic Banding Surgery in India
is one-tenth of what the patients are paying in other developing countries.
If your BMI is more than 40, then you should
consult your doctor for Laparoscopic Banding Surgery in India. For more
details of Laparoscopic Banding Surgery in India, you can send us your
queries at
and our representative will contact you shortly.
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