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Weight Loss Surgery in India

Obesity Surgery in India

Obesity Surgery in India is for those people who have honestly tried to lose their weight and tried various others methods to reduce weight such as gyms, diets etc. but their lost weight comes back again. People who believe that Obesity Surgery in India is a short cut method to reduce weight are generally not the ones who need it. 

Doctors advised the Weight Loss Surgery inIndia to those people who are overweight by 25 to 30 kilos with BMI 32.5 or above. The Obesity Surgery in India help people to recover from diabetes improves their cardiovascular risk factors and reduces the mortality. Women who have irregular periods and are unable to conceive due to obesity can also opt for the Obesity Surgery in India.

Weight Loss Surgery in India cannot be performed if  the patient has an unstable heart condition or untreated angina, or are psychologically unstable in which case they don’t understand or appreciate what is required after Obesity Surgery in India and will not able to take proper follow-ups after surgery.

Types of Weight Loss Surgery in India

There are three common types of Weight Loss Surgery in India performed by surgeons to reduce obesity as follows:
a)    Laparoscopic Gastric Banding (Lap-Band): In this procedure, an inflatable band made up of special material is placed around the stomach near its upper end, to create a small pouch and narrow passage into the remainder of the stomach. This band limits the food consumption and patients feel his/her stomach full by eating less food.
b)    Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RGB): This is a procedure where the surgeon makes a stomach small by using surgical staples to create a small stomach pouch. This pouch is attached to the stomach in the middle area and the food bypasses to the upper part of small intestine and stomach and then goes to the middle area through a small opening. Bypassing the stomach limits the food consumption.
c)    Sleeve Gastrectomy: It is a procedure in which stomach is reduced around 25% from its original size, by surgical removal of a large portion of the stomach, following the major curve. By reducing the stomach capacity the patient feels full after a small intake of food. This procedure is performed with the help of laparoscope and is not reversible. A surgeon makes small incisions which allow to seen the area through circuit monitor. With the help of these incisions, the surgeon can reach the stomach and, use a special stapler, to makes a vertical suture divide the stomach in two. 

Cost factor

The cost of Obesity Surgery in India depends on where it is done and which procedure is performed. On an average, the cost of Obesity Surgery in India would be between two to four lakhs in Indian currency. Currently, the Obesity Surgery in India is not covered by any insurance companies. Hence, the majority of the patients pay from their pockets.
If you are over- weight by 25 to 30 kilos, then you should undergo for the Obesity Surgery in India. For any queries send us email at


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