Laparoscopic Banding Surgery is a procedure where a silicone band placed
around the top of the stomach to restrict the food intake. During the LaparoscopicBanding Surgery the small device called port is placed under the abdomen
skin. This band is connected by tube which allows the surgeons to adjust the
tightness of the band and this is done by injecting the small amount of saline
water into port. The Lap-band will be adjusted several times after the Laparoscopic
Banding Surgery to promote the maximum weight loss.
How does the Laparoscopic Banding
Surgery helpful in weight reduction?
The purpose of the Laparoscopic
Banding Surgery is to restrict the food intake to your stomach and while eating
less you feel full and satisfied. The success of the Laparoscopic Banding
Surgery totally depends on you, that how motivated you are to change your
eating habits. After the Laparoscopic Banding Surgery, your surgeon will advise
you to take three small high proteins diet, low carb meal daily without
snacking. Eating too fast and too much can cause vomiting. Your doctor will
advise you to stop taking fluids along with meals as it causes your stomach
will be empty quickly and again you start craving for food which is not good
for your health and also you will not be able to achieve the weight which you
need. Your doctor will also advise you to stop consuming the high-calorie
beverages and high-calorie snacks as they will impair weight loss.
Difference between the Laparoscopic
Banding Surgery and Gastric bypass
The Laparoscopic Banding Surgery is the procedure in which no stapling or cutting required
on the stomach. After the Laparoscopic Banding Surgery, you will not experience
dumping syndrome after consuming high-sugar foods or beverages. The tightness
of the Lap-band is adjusted according to your requirement and can be removed if
necessary. In the Laparoscopic Banding Surgery your doctor will discharge you
on the next day, however, the gastric bypass surgery is more complex surgery
and required the large incision on the stomach also you need to stay for a
longer period of time in the hospital.
Expected weight loss by Laparoscopic
Banding Surgery
The average weight
loss by the Laparoscopic Banding Surgery is 40% of the excess weight, but you
can reduce more while doing regular exercise, change your food habits etc.
After the Laparoscopic Banding Surgery, most of the patients will not reach the
weight as they expected but they enjoy the tremendous improvement in their
health, energy level and ability to enjoy physical activities.
Laparoscopic Banding Surgery Cost in
The Laparoscopic Banding Surgery Cost in India is not much expensive and can be afforded by
each and every individual. However, when it comes to weight loss no one cares
about the cost of the surgery; their only concern is to live a life without
For more details on
Laparoscopic Banding Surgery India, you can email us at or you can contact us on +91
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